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Our films

Here at OPCA we are passionate about storytelling. There are so many stories that still need to be told about our natural world and we feel there is no better way to bring those stories to life than through film. Check out some of our films below, and if you have your own conservation story you want to tell, then get in touch and maybe we can help!

I Am Pangolin

There are eight species of pangolin, four in Africa and four in Asia. These mammals are often mistaken for reptiles due to being covered from head to tail in scales. In countries like China and Vietnam it is believed that the pangolin's scales have medicinal properties, despite the fact that the scales are actually only made from keratin - the same material as fingernails and hair! In places like USA and Mexico their skins are also processed into leather to make things such as shoes and belts. Due to this demand, along with pressure from the bush meat trade, pangolin populations are crashing worldwide and all species are threatened with extinction. We made this short film to raise awareness for this amazing animal. 

Save the Sloths

Sloths are very unique creatures, slow movers with many characteristics more akin to reptiles than mammals. Sloths have an extremely low metabolic rate which means they are only able to move at an extremely slow pace. They are perfectly adapted to life high up in the trees of primary rainforests; the dense foliage keeps them camouflaged from predators and they only need to leave the safety of the canopy once a week to defecate.  As their world becomes more urbanised and  forests fragmented, sloths are becoming more at risk from vehicle collisions, dog attacks and illegal pet trades. We made this short film to highlight the work of the Sloth Conservation Foundation who are doing everything they can to keep the sloths safe in costa rica.

A Hop Of Hope

While the large marsh grasshopper is the biggest and most handsome of all British grasshoppers, it's also one of the rarest, surviving almost exclusively in the valley mires and wet heaths of the New Forest and Dorset.


Citizen Zoo in partnership with Norfolk Wildlife Trust, the Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants and Natural England have been successful in reintroducing the species to several sites across Norfolk.


This community-led project involves volunteers rearing grasshoppers in their own homes for release.

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